Freedom for all people in the Middle East. No double standards! We are affected by the ongoing violence in the Middle East.
We care about people and human rights.
We want to walk together peacefully and meet people who feel the same way.
We all have our biographies, life experiences and opinions.
We live in unique information bubbles.
We may not agree on many aspects.
But we all agree that we want the violence to end.
On Friday, September 27, 2024 at 6:00 pm we will meet at Stachus to protest for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Please come without flags and national flags. Middle East/Palestine/Israel We believe in a future in which all people live in peace with dignity, equality, justice and freedom.
We want to build a protest group – for ogether with like-minded supporters.
If you believe in non-violent co-resistance, in upholding the values of freedom, equality, security and dignity for all in the Middle East, please support us.

We will update this page as our group grows and publish protest actions here.

Concept for the protest without flags: Ceasefire for Gaza and stop all arms exports! Protest for a free and secure Israel-Palestine of all people who want to support this cause.
We are affected by the ongoing violence in the Middle East.
We care about people and human rights.
We want to walk together peacefully and meet people who feel the same way.
We all have our biographies, life experiences and opinions.
We live in unique information bubbles.
We may not agree on many aspects.
But we all agree that we want the violence to end.
When we walk together, we express our need to feel safe, free and comfortable with each other, here in Munich, here in Germany.
Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, as well as discrimination in general, are on the rise.
We want to see and invite Jewish, Muslim and Christian people, people of all religions and ethnicities, including atheists, to walk together and wish for peace, freedom and safety for all people.
It will be a rather quiet protest, walking together.
We will talk to each other mindfully and respectfully.
If we are upset in a conversation, we will breathe a sigh of relief, seek comfort from people who agree with us, and do our best to calm down.
We will leave empty-handed: No flags.
Flags can inadvertently be a trigger associated with violence against other people.
No photos that can trigger trauma in people.
Anyone can find them if he or she wants to see them. We will carry banners with the inscriptions: Freedom for all people in the Middle East – No double standards!
Equality for all people in the Middle East – No double standards!
Security for all people in the Middle East – No double standards!
All war criminals on trial – No double standards!
For a just peace in Gaza!
Stop arms exports & end the aid blockade!
The idea is that together we strengthen our sense of security and peace here and now.
No one should take personal risks, be afraid of being censored, lose their job or be ridiculed for participating in this protest that should bring us closer together.
Those who provoke or escalate will be excluded from the peace march.
May this joint protest give us comfort, togetherness and a sense of peace. Links to further actions:

Petition for a just peace in Gaza.
Stop arms exports & end the aid blockade.
Sign HEREThepetition demands from the Federal Government:

  1. to campaign more resolutely for an immediate ceasefire and to demand the protection of the civilian population;
  2. to refuse all licenses for the export of armaments if there is a risk that they will be used in violation of international law;
  3. to exert significantly more pressure on Israel to immediately end the blockade, which violates international law, and to demand unhindered access for humanitarian aid;
  4. to take effective measures to end the construction of settlements by Israel in violation of international law and acts of violence by settlers;
  5. in accordance with the opinion of the International Court of Justice of July 19, 2024, to demand the fastest possible end to the occupation in violation of international law;
  6. to actively support international jurisdiction and the United Nations Commission of Inquiry;
  7. to campaign for the release of all hostages and unlawfully detained persons;
  8. to protect the right to freedom of opinion and assembly and to end the criminalization of constitutionally protected expressions of opinion in connection with Palestine/Israel.