Documentation of all contributions

only here online, printed version out of print

Below you will find individual contributions to the 2013 conference


Prof. Dr. Hanne-Margret Birckenbach: Peace logic or security logic

Peace researcher, Giessen

Dr. Franz Alt: War for oil or peace through the sun

Publicist and journalist, Baden-Baden

Tomás Hirsch: Nonviolent Ways of Regime Change

Co-founder of the Humanist Party in Chile

Hep Monatzeder, Mayor Greeting from the City of Munich


Prof. Jürgen Scheffran, Input- presentation for the current round

This article was published in: D. von Quistorp (ed.), Kirche schützt Klima, Wiesbaden/Berlin, fenestra Verlag, pp. 51-60. Contact: Climate Change and Security Research Group, Institute of Geography, KlimaCampus, University of Hamburg, email:, web:

to the speakers 2013:

Prof. Dr. Hanne-Margret Birckenbach

Peace researcher since the 1980s. Since 2010 Professorship Peace and Conflict Studies. Background of the invitation: Essay in “Science and Peace” No 2/2012: Peace logic instead of security logic. Counter-designs from civil society. More about the person



Dr. Franz AltFranz Alt

Publicist and journalist, last publications: “Gute Geschäfte – Humane Marktwirtschaft als Ausweg aus der Krise”, and : “Die Sonne schickt uns keine Rechnung” . Short info Franz Alt. Otherwise: .

Tomas Hirsch, Chile, co-founder of the Humanist Party of Chile and leading figure in the opposition to the Pinochet regime. Author of: “The End of Prehistory – A Path to Freedom”. More about the person

Jürgen Scheffran

Ernst Schrimpff

Frauke Liesenborghs

Sabine Bock