International Munich Peace Conference 2018
Panel on 16.2. 2018, from left: Tiffany Easthom, Clemens Ronnefeldt, Heidi Meinzolt, Nela Porobic Isacovic, Dr. Franz Alt.
Bass and harp: The Saitentratzer
Program of the International Peace Conference, 16.2. – 18.2. 2018.
Report on the Peace Conference by Marion Wittine, Pax Christi:
Peace conference instead of armament meeting – summary report by Thomas Rödl
Media reports on the IMFK:
Before the conference:
Interview with Franz Alt:
- 19.2.2018 “Peace messages from Munich”
SZ Freising
Münchner Merkur (by Klaus Rimpel)
TZ Munich adjoining TZ v. 17.2. – 18.2. 2018 ;
the full page of the TZ v. 19.2.2018
Interview with Franz Alt:
Listen to the radio interview as it ran on our program:
by Alexander Boos, RIA Novosti news agency Germany
Interview with Tiffany Easthom from Nonviolent Peaceforce
Radio interview:
Videos IMFK:
Reinhard Lauterbach: The Interests of the EU, the USA and Russia in the Ukraine Conflict, Donbass, Crimea. Recording of the lecture from 17.2. 2018
Marion Küpker: The Role of Nuclear Weapons in the New Cold War, Nuclear Rearmament, Civil Disobedience. 17.2. 2018
Reports about demo and SiKo in general:
Radio SNA (via novosti)
My report on “Anti-Siko” + “Peace Conference”:
Our other articles about MSK 2018:
FIND YOUR INTERVIEWS HERE (all of which ran on our radio program!):
Listen to the complete interview with Dr. Alexander Neu (DIE LINKE):
Listen to the complete interview with the “Anti-Siko” co-organizers Brigitte Obermeyer and Heinz-Michael Vilsmeier:
Listen to the complete interview with Thomas Rödl (“Munich Peace Conference”):
Listen to the complete interview with Franz Weber (demo participant):
RIA Novosti is an international news agency with foreign editorial offices and a global network of correspondents in over 30 countries. We report in 30 languages. Our German news website has about 500,000 hits a day with about 100,000 visitors.
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Bayr. Television
Transcripts of papers presented at the 2018 conference:
Dr. Franz Alt, author and publicist: Come to your senses! Mikhail Gorbachev’s message of peace.
In view of confrontation and increasing danger of war in Europe, Gorbachev pleads for a return to the policy of détente
Nela Porobic Isacovic, Feminist Activist from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cooperation Partner of the International Women’s League:
Peace work in Bosnia. Economic, social and cultural rights must be realized to prevent a new outbreak of violence.
English contribution. Manuscript of the contribution by Nela Porobic Isacovic.
Deviations of the actual presentation from this manuscript are possible.
German contribution, translation Sabine Isbanner.
Tiffany Easthom, Director Nonviolent Peace Force: What does the Nonviolent Peace Force want?
NP is the largest organization conducting unarmed civilian protection programs, with 275 personnel deployed in South Sudan, Myanmar, the Philippines, Lebanon, and Iraq.
Excerpt from the presentation by Tiffany Easthom, German translation
Speakers 2018
Dr. Franz Alt, born 1938, Dr. phil. is a journalist, television presenter and book author. From 1972 – 1992 he was head and presenter of the political magazine “Report”. From 1992 to 2003, he headed the future editorial department ZEITSPRUNG at SWR, since 1997 the magazine QUERDENKER and from 2000 the magazine GRENZENLOS on 3sat.
Prizes and awards:
Adolf Grimme Award, Golden Camera, BAMBI,
German + European Solar Prize, Environmental Prize of the German Solar Energy Association. Economy, Innovation Award and
German Speakers “Hall Of Fame” (Speaker of the Year 2011), Most Extraordinary Speaker 2011
(Speaker Agency “5-Star Team”), Utopia Award 2012 and GREEN BRAND Germany 2013
Dr. Franz Alt lectures worldwide and writes guest commentaries and background reports
for newspapers and magazines. He has received numerous awards for his commitment.
His books have been translated into 16 languages and reach a circulation of over three million
On his website “Sonnenseite” you will find current, commented news about the
solar energy, environmental protection, economics and current world politics.
Every Sunday there is a free NEWSletter.
Franz Alt is a member of the Honorary Council of the International Munich Peace Conference.
Nela Porobić Isaković
is a young feminist activist from Bosnia and Herzegovina. She coordinates activities of the International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom in the framework of the initiative
“Women Organizing for Change in Bosnia. Numerous researches and the analysis of concrete experiences of Bosnian women during the conflict and in the post-conflict phase show that social, political and economic dislocations are closely interconnected. There is therefore an urgent need for action in all areas. The Bosnian group shares these insights with women in similar situations, e.g. in dialogue with Syrian and Ukrainian women who are trying to secure their human and political survival in current conflicts and war. Nela’s activities are always transnational in nature; she creates new alliances and networks with women in Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro – and especially in a currently worsening political climate of confrontation throughout the Balkans. It is about the effects of neo-liberal interventions from the outside, the constant constriction of civil society space – with particularly dramatic consequences for women’s organizations – the rapid growth of fascism and militarism in Europe in general. All of these have early warning components for them that set alarm bells ringing for us as well. What must happen: economic, social and cultural rights must be implemented progressively. This also requires the equal participation of women at all levels of decision-making on the ground, right up to the United Nations, which must once again become a peace organization. This is an appeal to tolerance and the need to implement sustainable development goals.
To Nela in english:
Nela Porobić Isaković, is a young feminist activist from Bosnia and Herzegovina. She coordinates WILPF’s activities under the initiative Women Organizing for Change in Bosnia, researching and analyzing experiences of Bosnian women in the conflict and post-conflict period. Nela looks into social, political and economic consequences of a post-conflict reconstruction and recovery process and consolidates those experiences so that they can be shared through WILPF’s feminist solidarity dialogues organized with women in similar situations -such as with women from Syria and Ukraine and in the context of “reclaiming the UN as a peace organization”. Her activities are always cross-border in contact with women from Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro. They organise fact finding missions, create alliances and strengthen networking across the Balcans. Her activities in a hardening political climate, the effects of neo-liberal interventions in the Balcans, shrinking space for civil society/women’s organizations, the speedy growth of fascism and militarism in Europe have a strong early-warning component to prevent the break out of new violence. This is a strong appeal to us. The perspectives lie in a progressive realization of economic, social and cultural rights of the citizens, the meaningful participation of women on all levels of decision making, the respect of the real needs, tolerance in the framework of a sustainable development/SDGs.
Tiffany Easthom
Nonviolent Peaceforce Executive Director
Tiffany Easthom holds a bachelor’s degree in law and a master’s degree in human security and peacebuilding from Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
She also studied in the field of peacebuilding in Uganda and served as Country Director Peace Brigades International in Indonesia.
Prior to becoming Managing Director at NP, Tiffany served as Country Director in Sri Lanka, Uganda, Indonesia, South Sudan and Lebanon.
The organization Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP)
Nonviolent Peaceforce does peace work in regions of violent conflict. They use non-violent methods to protect human life and dignity.
NP has headquarters in the greater Geneva area, legal offices in New York and Brussels, and a fundraising team based in Minnesota. NP is the largest organization implementing unarmed civilian protection programs and has 275 deployed forces in South Sudan, Myanmar, the Philippines, Lebanon, and Iraq. The NP Alliance is a network of over 65 organizations in support of the NP’s mission to reduce violence and increase the safety and security of civilians affected by violent conflict.
Tiffany Easthom holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Justice Studies and a Master’s Degree in Human Security and Peacebuilding from Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
She also studied peacebuilding in the field in Uganda, and served as Country Director for Peace Brigades International in Indonesia.
Prior to becoming NP’s Executive Director, Tiffany served as NP’s Country Director in Sri Lanka, South Sudan and Lebanon.
The Organizational Structure of Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP)
NP has headquarters in the Greater Geneva area, advocacy offices in New York and Brussels and a fundraising team based in Minnesota. NP is the largest implementer of unarmed civilian protection programming with 275 colleagues deployed in South Sudan, Myanmar, Philippines, Lebanon and Iraq. The NP Alliance is a network of over 65 organizations in support of NP’s mission for reducing violence and increasing the safety and security for civilians affected by violent conflict.
Clemens Ronnefeldt
Consultant for peace issues at the German |
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Clemens Ronnefeldt was born in Worms in 1960. From 1981 to 1986 he studied at the Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz and at the philosophical-theological university St. Georgen in Frankfurt/Main.
From 1982 to 1983 he completed a course of study in peace work at the Heimvolkshochschule Bückeburg. Until 1992 he was spokesman for the Catholic peace movement “Pax Christi” in the diocese of Mainz. Since 1992 he has been working as a consultant for peace issues at the German branch of the “International Fellowship of Reconciliation”. He focuses on the Middle East and the former Yugoslavia. Clemens Ronnefeldt has participated in peace delegations to Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine, and in outreach to refugee camps. He was also involved in supporting peace groups in the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. He is the author of the book “The New NATO, Iraq and Yugoslavia”, published by the German branch of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, Minden, 2nd edition, 2002. as well as numerous articles and background analyses. 2017: Peter Becker Prize for Peace and Conflict Research of the Philipps University Marburg Interview current with Clemens Ronnefeldt: |
Marion Küpker
Marion Küpker, 53, from Hamburg is the International Coordinator for Nuclear Weapons of the DFG-VK (German Peace Society of United Opponents of War).
She has worked for more than 20 years for the withdrawal of U.S. nuclear bombs from Germany and is part of the nationwide campaign council “Büchel is Everywhere – Abolish Nuclear Weapons Now!”, which consists of 50 organizations and peace groups that are committed:
1) Permanent withdrawal of U.S. nuclear weapons;
2) a halt to the modernization and updating of nuclear weapons; and
3) German ratification of the new UN treaty banning nuclear weapons.
Her focus is nonviolent direct action, for example, for 20 weeks, from March 26 to August 9 in both 2016 and 2017, she supported and informed protest groups at the Peace Action Camp near the German air base in Büchel – storage site of at least 20 U.S. nuclear weapons.
In 2018, it will once again support the protest groups in Büchel for the same 20 weeks.
Marion organizes the International Week in Büchel (which was held last July
11 activists from the U.S., who delivered the new nuclear weapons abolition documentary to Wing Commander Gregor Schlemmer of the Air Force Base).
She represents the Germany-wide campaign at international conferences. DFG-VK and the campaign are both members of the I.C.A.N. network, which just received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo!
To Marion Küpker in English:
Marion Küpker, 53, of Hamburg, is the international coordinator against nuclear weapons for DFG-VK (German Peace Society of United War Resisters).
She has worked more than 20 years for the withdrawal of the U.S. nuclear bombs from Germany, and is part of the nationwide Campaign Council, “Büchel is Everywhere – Nuclear Weapon-Free Now!” made up of 50 organizations and peace groups committed to: 1) permanent withdrawal of the U.S. nuclear weapons; 2) a halt to nuclear weapons modernization & upgrade; and 3) German ratification of the new UN Treaty Ban on nuclear weapons. Her focus is nonviolent direct action, so for 20 weeks, from March 26 to Aug. 9, in both 2016 and 2017, she supported and informed protest groups at the Peace Action Camp near Germany’s Büchel Air Base
— home to at least 20 U.S. nuclear weapons. In 2018, she will again support the protest groups in Büchel for the same 20 weeks. Marion organizes the International Week at Büchel (which last July included 11 activists from the USA who delivered the new Ban Treaty to the air base’s Wing Commander Gregor Schlemmer). She represents the German-wide campaign at international conferences. DFG-VK and the Campaign are both members of the I.C.A.N. network which just received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo!
Reinhard Lauterbach
Born in 1955 in Essen, grew up along the Rhine, graduated from high school in Mainz.
Civilian service and studies of history and Slavic studies in Mainz, Kiev and Bonn.
Center of life currently in Poland.
1984-2011 Worked for various ARD stations as an editor in the areas of news, current affairs, culture and features.
1998-2001 ARD radio correspondent for Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Belarus).
Subsequently freelance Eastern European correspondent for “Junge Welt” and the magazine “Hintergrund”.
Book Publications:
“Civil War in Ukraine” (Berlin 2014, now in its 4th edition),
“The Long Dying of the Soviet Union” (Berlin 2015, current 2nd edition),
Essays on topics related to Eastern Europe and peace in various anthologies.
About Reinhard Lauterbach in English:
Born in 1955 in Essen, grew up along the Rheinschiene, high school graduation in Mainz.
Civil service and study of history and Slavic studies in Mainz, Kiev and Bonn.
For some years the center of life in Poland.
1984-2011 work for various ARD channels as news, culture and feature editor.
1998-2001 ARD radio correspondent for Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Belarus).
Subsequently freelance East European correspondent for the “Junge Welt” and the magazine “Hintergrund”.
“Civil war in Ukraine” (Berlin 2014, meanwhile in 4th edition), “Das lange Sterben der Sowjetunion” (The long dying of the Soviet Union) (Berlin 2015, currently 2nd edition),
Essays on Eastern European and peace-related topics in various edited volumes.