Hans-Peter DürrOn the 10th anniversary of Hans-Peter Dürr’s death – In memory of the scientist, visionary and peace fighter

May 18, 2024 | 7 to 9 p.m.
Culture at the Trafo | Munich

Hans-Peter Dürr was Honorary Curator of the International Munich Peace Conference and played a decisive role in shaping it, particularly in its early years.

On May 18, 2014, Hans-Peter Dürr passed away after a long illness at the age of 84. The organizers want to remember the committed man for peace and the environment, the physicist and visionary, and draw inspiration and strength for the current peace challenges from his memories.

Peace – that has been his elixir of life since he survived the nights of the Munich bombing as a young man. He has been deeply committed to protecting and preserving the environment since his intense criticism of nuclear power. Sustainability was a challenge for him and not a greenwashed buzzword. He criticized capitalism when almost everyone was silent. He was a border crosser not only in science.

We remember many things about him again and again: his vivid examples, his vivid language, his persuasiveness, his perseverance.

All those who want to remember, but also all those who want to learn about a great scientist and peace activist, all those who want to draw strength from the memory for today and who do not want to give up dreaming and the vision of a just and peaceful world, are cordially invited.


– Film clips about Hans-Peter Dürr by the filmmakers Claus Biegert and Bertram Verhaag

– Welcome by Elfi Padovan and Malte Albrecht for the organizers

– Who was Hans-Peter Dürr (with pictures of his life and work): Science and lived responsibility for peace, Reiner Braun, International Peace Bureau and NatWiss

– Hans-Peter Dürr’s international work for peace (PUGWASH, SU/Russia), Ulrike Beisiegel, former President of the University of Göttingen

– Hans-Peter Dürr and his commitment to the environment and climate Jürgen Scheffran, Professor at the University of Hamburg, NATWISS and VDW

– Hans-Peter-Dürr and the MPG – an unfriendly friendship, Carola Sachs, Professor of Contemporary History in Vienna, As part of the GMPG project, she is investigating the history of the MPG in the field of international politics (1945-1995).

– Hans Peter Dürr and his significance for today, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, former President of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and Club of Rome

– Followed by an open discussion: Exchange with Hans-Peter Dürr’s fellow campaigners.

– After the event, the organizers invite you to a small reception.


The event will take place on May 18, 2024 from 5 pm. To participate, please register at info@natwiss.de. Due to the limited number of places, participation is only possible with a confirmation of registration.

Online participation via livestream on YouTube is also possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHHO3EogF90


Kultur im Trafo, Nymphenburger Str. 171a, 80634 Munich


Participation is free of charge. However, we urgently request donations so that we can finance the event.
We are a non-profit organization, donations are tax deductible.

Responsibility for peace
Postbank Cologne
IBAN: DE24 3701 0050 0393 4085 04
Keyword: Peace

Contact for queries: info@natwiss.de