SponeckHans-Christof von Sponeck, born in 1939, is Honorary Curate of the International Munich Peace Conference. From 1982 to 1997, he headed the respective UN missions in Gamborone, Islamabad and New Delhi, and then in Baghdad as Assistant UN Secretary-General for the humanitarian “oil-for-food” program. He resigned from this position in 2000 in protest of the UN Security Council’s Iraq policy.


Q1- You signed an open letter calling on the German government not to supply heavy weapons to Kiev. In your opinion, this will only lead to a further escalation of the situation in Ukraine? Can Germany become a conflict site in this way?

HvS The decision has been made. The dt. Government, with the support of the opposition has decided to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine. Many citizens in Germany, including myself, do not support this weighty decision. I live in a country that allows me the right to my own opinion. I am free to express this by saying: more war material means that more people on both sides of this asymmetrical confrontation will lose belongings, lives and futures. Media and parts of politics try to push this fact aside in an irresponsible way. This statement has absolutely nothing to do with an assessment of the Russian Federation’s military intervention in neighboring Ukraine under international law. Those who question this are distracting. To think that Germany’s arms deliveries have nothing to do with direct participation in military conflict underestimates people who ‘have the courage to use their own brains’!

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