Lecture and discussion with Andreas Zumach

In the flood of news about the war in Ukraine, there is a very analytical knowledgeable and empathetic voice with the lecture of Andreas Zumach, among other things on the historical development of the last 32 years, on armament, arms deliveries and social instead of military resistance.

Andreas Zumach (* July 30, 1954 in Cologne) is a German journalist and publicist. From 1988 to 2020, he was Switzerland and UN correspondent for the tageszeitung (taz), based at the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva. He works as a freelance correspondent for German- and English-language print and broadcast media. He is a profound expert on European security policy.

Six days ago, in Würzburg, in the full St. Stephen’s Church, Andreas Zumach gave an impressive lecture about the current war, about the background and about possible further developments, but also about perspectives for the aftermath. About a new peace architecture for Europe – yes, also with Russia.

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