A green-red city council motion, 14 days before the conference, wants to stop the City of Munich’s funding “immediately and in future”. Mr. Anton Biebl, Head of Cultural Affairs, has informed us that our wish to continue the funding cannot be granted. No decision has yet been issued.

If the signatories of the motion have their way, it is a done deal. The signatories of the motion are:
Green Group – Rosa Liste (Initiative): Mona Fuchs, Clara Nitsche, David Süß, Marion Lüttig, Nimet Gökmenoglu, Ursula Harper, Andreas Voßeler
SPD/Volt parliamentary group: Felix Sproll, Julia Schönfeld-Knoe, Anne Hübner, Kathrin Abele, Lars Mentrup, Klaus Peter Rupp, Lena Odell, Marian Offmann

The Catholic Fund withdrew its promised funding on February 9, 2024.

The cancellation of funding by the Department of Culture and the Catholic Fund seven days before the conference puts the finances in a dangerous predicament. Cancellation of the conference is not an option due to the cancellation costs that will still be incurred. The peace conference can only be saved by donations, a lot of donations.

Preparations for the conference, which will take place in seven days, are largely complete. All speakers, event rooms, technical equipment, tickets and hotels have been booked and the information material has been printed. Funding is based on grants and donations. The HMV-Bildungswerk e.V. für Friedensförderung und Völkerverständigung is responsible for the financial processing. As an honorary body, the Peace Conference has no financial reserves.

Donate online or by bank transfer

You can find our supporters and sponsors HERE

We are financed exclusively by donations from private individuals and funding from institutional bodies. For 22 years, the Peace Conference has offered a rich program of speakers to prepare for peace. We meet in public and not behind closed doors.

In contrast to the Munich Security Conference, we are NOT financed by arms companies such as Hensoldt, Lockheed Martin, AIRBUS, MBDA or the Rheinmetall Group, nor by companies such as BAYER, EnBW, Microsoft, BP, Meta, Commerzbank, Kaufland or Lidl, among others.
See for yourself the long list of sponsors and partners of the Munich Security Conference HERE.

We are NOT generously showered with money by federal ministries such as the Federal Ministry of Defense, the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development or the Press and Information Office. Nor do the giz (German Association for International Cooperation) or the Bavarian state fund us.

We want to prepare for peace and talk about how to do this. Peace is as complex as war. We need experts who research and explain how peace works, who point out ways and give us the words to name them in our everyday conversations with friends, colleagues, families and at the regulars’ table.

This work and publicity costs a lot of money. Although our speakers only receive very modest fees – given their expertise – high costs are incurred for travel, accommodation, rooms, technology, advertising, translation and logistics.

Support the peace conference with your donation!

Simply by bank transfer or online

Donation account HMV-Bildungswerk e.V.
GLS- Bank IBAN: DE37 4306 0967 8217 1208 00
Keyword “Peace Conference

Please provide us with your address, or make sure to include your complete address on the remittance slip if you need a donation receipt!