Saturday, February 18, 2023
from 7 – 9.30 pm
in Hochschule für Philosophie


Dr. Fahim Amir, philosopher and book author

“The withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan marked the end of the largest, most costly and most sacrificial intervention by the alliance, including Germany. Faced with the Taliban’s advance, the Afghan security forces and government retreated, allowing the Taliban to return to power nearly 20 years after their overthrow. In addition to counterterrorism, key intervention goals included stabilization, promotion of security and reliable statehood, and poverty reduction. These goals were obviously missed,” writes “The Advisory Council of the Federal Government Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding” in November 2021.


Andreas Zumach, journalist and book author

What ceasefire or peace negotiation initiatives are forward-looking? Who can initiate and mediate negotiations? What is the role of the OSCE and the UN? Why didn’t the peace movement see the war coming?

War Narratives

Prof. Dr. Claudia Paganini, Munich School of Philosophy, Media Ethics

One topic of the conference will be the coverage of the war in Ukraine: on the one hand, the coverage in the German leading media and also in the social media, which, with their flood of images, have a completely different effect than the print media, which are usually more full of text. How could public opinion make a U-turn toward militarization in such a short time?

Do peace journalism concepts and conflict-sensitive reporting exist and how should they be designed?