Exhibition project on war memorials in Germany and Austria.

The exhibition “DenkMalFrieden – DenkMalKrieg” will be on display on Friday evening in the Old Town Hall foyer and on Saturday in the University of Philosophy during the morning workshop as well as during the evening event. Admission to the evening events is always at 6 pm. Come early and take your time for this very interesting exhibition.

“The exhibition shows exemplary different war memorials to the First and Second World War in different German cities and regions.” …

“They are thus not only historical witnesses of remembrance, but places where present understandings of history, war and peace, militarism and mourning for people killed in wars are documented.” …

“In another part of the exhibition, examples of permanent and temporary changes and additions to existing war memorials, which were suggested and realized by local initiatives, are shown,” according to the exhibition’s homepage.

The exhibition was curated by Wolfram P. Kastner and Hans Wallner, Chairman of Kunst für Frieden e.V.

For more information and background on the exhibition, please visit the exhibition homepage HERE.