23rd International Munich Peace Conference
23rd International Munich Peace Conference
February 14 – 16, 2025

Prof. Dr. Heribert Prantl
Prof. Dr. Hanne-Margret Birckenbach
Dr. Kerem Schamberger
Friday, February 14, 2025
6.30 – 9.30 p.m.
Smartvillage, Rosenkavalierplatz 13, Arabellapark
The livestream will begin here at 6:30 pm on the day of the event.
Workshop I
Becoming capable of peace instead of war? How you can work for peace. with Sandra Klaft, Peace4Future
Workshop II
Becoming peaceable. The principle of dialog compatibility with Prof. Dr. Hanne-Margret Birckenbach
Saturday, February 15, 2025
10 – 12 a.m.
Evangelisches Forum, Herzog-Wilhelm Str. 24
Francesca Albanese
Dr. Gershon Baskin
Saturday, February 15, 2025
6.30 – 9.30 p.m.
Smartvillage, Rosenkavalierplatz 13, Arabellapark
The livestream will begin here at 6:30 pm on the day of the event.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Workshop III
Samba for peace – drumming workshop for beginners
10 am – 1 pm, Alter Gaststeig
To advance ticket sales
Workshop IV
Campaign: Peace-capable instead of first-strike-capable. For a Europe without medium-range weapons!
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.,
Eine-Welt-Haus, Schwanthalerstr. 80
“Peace – Masterpiece of Reason”
(after I. Kant)
Sunday, February 16, 2025
6.30 pm
St. Boniface Abbey, Karlstraße 34
Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bahá’ís and Buddhists pray for peace
Admission free
No to War – Shaping Peace and Justice
Eight civil society organizations from Munich have come together in the Peace Conference Sponsors’ Circle to organize the International Munich Peace Conference.
Led by Maria R. Feckl, a theology graduate, the conference is primarily run on a voluntary basis, driven by a shared commitment to dialogue, justice, and peace.
You can register for the Munich Peace Conference here:
A selection of our speakers in the 2025 program
Prof. Dr. Heribert Prantl
Prof. Dr. H.-M. Birckenbach
Francesca Albanese
Christoph von Lieven
Susi Snyder
Tommas Rödl
Florian Eblenkamp

Arvid Bell

Theresa Hirn
Mirka Hurter
She brings a background in social entrepreneurship and international emergency relief.
As co-project director of Peace for Future, which is part of the “Rethinking Security” initiative, she explores and shapes the possibilities and implementation of a new culture of peace and security policy.
She also works as a lecturer and facilitator in the field of peace research and (process-oriented) conflict transformation. https://peace4future.dehttps://www.sicherheitneudenken.dehttps://www.sicherheitneudenken.de/mach-mit/ich-spende/?
Meitaka Kendall-Lekka

Clemens Ronnefeldt
Gudrun Haas
Dr. Angelika Claußen
Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert
Katrin Habenschaden
Photo Credits: Anja Mörk
Christian Orth

Matthias Platzeck
Olga Karach
Michael von der Schulenburg
Claudia Paganini

Sabine Gruber
Vorsitzende des Präsidiums des Landesbezirksvorstands von ver.di Bayern
- geboren am 26.03.1967 in Eggenfelden
- 1983 mittlere Reife, Stefan-Krumenauer-Realschule Eggenfelden
- 1983 – 1985 Justizassistentanwärterin beim Amtsgericht Landshut
- seit November 1985 beim Amtsgericht München beschäftigt
- 1987 Eintritt in die Gewerkschaft ÖTV
- 1988 – 1990 Vorsitzende der Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung beim Amtsgericht München; bis 1992 Vorsitzende der Bezirks-JAV beim Oberlandesgericht München; Mitglied der Haupt-JAV
- 1989-1995 ÖTV-Kreisjugendausschuss München
- seit 1990 Mitglied im Personalrat beim Amtsgericht München
- ab 1991 Mitglied im Kreisvorstand der ÖTV München
- 1992 – 1995 Aufstieg in den gehobenen Dienst, seit 1996 Rechtspflegerin
- 1995 – 2001 Vorstandsmitglied im Kreisjugendring München-Stadt als Vertreterin der DGB-Jugend
- seit 2000 glücklich (!) verheiratet
- seit 2001 im Bezirksvorstand ver.di München
- seit 2001 Vorsitzende des Landesfachgruppenvorstands Justiz
- seit 2003 Mitglied im ver.di Landesbezirksvorstand Bayern
- seit 2006 stv. Vorsitzende des ver.di Bezirks München
- seit 2006 Vorsitzende des Fachbereichs 6 bei ver.di München
- seit 2006 Mitglied im Landesfachbereichsvorstand Bund/Länder
- seit 2006 stv. Personalratsvorsitzende beim Amtsgericht München, Mitglied im Bezirks- und Hauptpersonalrat
- seit 2007 Mitglied im ver.di Bundesfachgruppenvorstand Justiz
- seit 2011 Präsidium des Landesbezirksvorstands
- seit 2019 Vorsitzende des Präsidiums des Landesbezirksvorstands
Andreas Zumach
Andreas Zumach writes for the Taz on UN and international politics. He also works for a number of other regional and national newspapers, magazines and public radio in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. He has published numerous articles in German- and English-language books as well as specialist publications on topics such as security policy, arms control and disarmament. In 1997 Zumach was awarded the prize of the Association of UN Correspondents in New York for the world’s best reporting on the UN.
Buch „Reform oder Blockade- welche Zukunft hat die UNO (Rotpunkt-Verlag Zürich 2021)
Biographical note: Andreas Zumach was born in Cologne in 1954. Since 1998, he has been working from the European UN office in Geneva as a correspondent for, among others, the German daily newspaper „taz“ on UN issues and other international affairs. 1981-1988: Organizer and spokesman for various German organizations of the peace movement, including the nationwide coordinating committee of the peace movement 1979-1981: Editor of the German daily newspaper „Die Neue“ for international affairs, foreign correspondent in South Africa 1975-1978: Studied economics and journalism at the University of Cologne and the Cologne School of Journalism; organizer of the German campaign on trade and advertising practices of the Nestle corporation and other baby food manufacturers in Africa, Asia and Latin America
Repeatedly a speaker at the International Munich Peace Conference.
Prof. Yanis Varoufakis
Prof. Yanis Varoufakis is a Greek economist, author and politician. He teaches economics at the University of Athens. He was Greece’s finance minister from January to July 2015 and led the negotiations with Greece’s creditors to lead the country out of the crisis. He resigned after the failed referendum to reject the austerity dictate. In 2016, he co-founded DiEM25 and is also General Secretary of MeRA25, the party of DiEM25 in Greece. To the homepage HERE His books (selection) Adults in the Room – further information HEREAnotherNow – further information HERETechnofeudalism – further information HERE
Heribert Prantl

Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. theol. h.c. Heribert Prantl
Heribert Prantl, Prof. Dr. jur., is a journalist, publicist, author and political commentator for newspapers, radio and television. Honorary Professor of Law at the University of Bielefeld. Honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology at the University of Erlangen.
He studied law, history and philosophy. Parallel to this, journalistic training. Research assistant at the Chair of Family Law under Prof. Dr. Schwab. Doctorate in copyright and media law.
Judge at a Bavarian district and regional court, public prosecutor, press spokesman for the judiciary. From 1988 senior editor and editorial writer at the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Head of the domestic politics department for 25 years, then head of the new opinion desk; member of the Süddeutsche Zeitung’s editorial board since 2011. Permanent author and columnist for the Süddeutsche Zeitung since March 2019.
Publications, among others:
- Winning the peace. Unlearn violence. (2024)
- On large and small resistance. Thoughts on time and untimeliness (2018)
- The power of hope. Food for thought in difficult times. Munich 2017.
- Instruction manual for populists. Wals near Salzburg 2017.
- What a single person can do. Political contemporary stories. Munich 2016
- Despite all this, you simply have to love Europe. Munich 2016
- Childhood. First home – thoughts that dispel fear. Munich 2015
- In the name of humanity – Save the refugees. Berlin 2015
- The splendor and misery of fundamental rights. Twelve stars for the Basic Law. Munich, 2014
- Alt. Amen. Beginning. New food for thought, Munich 2013
- The world as an editorial. On the future of journalism, Vienna 2012
- The wrath of God. Food for thought on the holidays, Munich 2011
- The terrorist as legislator. How to make politics with fear, Munich 2008
- Not a beautiful country. The destruction of social justice, Munich 2005
Picture: Nina Tenhumberg
Francesca Albanese
Hanne-Margret Birckenbach