Solidarity with Olga Karach – vigils organized by the DFG-VK Bayern
and the International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom IFFF
Support for Olga Karach, a Belarusian human rights activist and opponent of military service: Members of the DFG-VK and IFFF gathered in Munich for two vigils. On 24.07.24 in front of the consulate of Belarus to protest against the politically motivated prosecution of Olga Karach. And on 14.8.24 in front of the Lithuanian representation to draw attention to the danger of deportation of the human rights activist living in Lithuania.
Radio LORA Munich reported on the actions on 20.8.24. Listen to the audio HERE.
Read Olga Karach’s speech at the Munich Peace Conference 2024 HERE
Who is Olga Karach?
Olga Karach is a Belarusian journalist and human rights activist; she heads the human rights organization Nash Dom (Our House). Nash Dom has set itself the goal of protecting civil and human rights, both under the repressive Belarusian regime of Alexander Lukashenko and abroad. One essential human right that Nash Dom defends is the right to conscientious objection. Nash Dom supports Belarusian citizens who have fled to other countries to avoid military service in Belarus and possible military deployment for Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, which violates international law. Olga has been repeatedly honored for her work, for example with the International Bremen Peace Prize in 2019, the Human Rights Prize of the City of Weimar in 2022, the Sean MacBride Prize in 2023 and the Alexander Langer Prize in 2024. Olga Karach was a speaker at the 2024 International Munich Peace Conference. The DFG-VK Bavaria and the sponsors of the International Munich Peace Conference continue to stand in solidarity with the Belarusian pacifist.
Why is Olga Karach being persecuted?
Olga herself is at risk of losing her civil and human rights. She lives in Lithuania, where she sought refuge from political persecution in Belarus in 2020. However, her right to stay is being questioned by the Lithuanian government. On July 8, 2024, the Brest District Court announced the verdict against Olga Karach, head of the International Center for Civic Initiatives “Our House” (Nash Dom). She was charged with “conspiracy to seize power by unconstitutional means”, “promoting extremist activities” and “discrediting the Republic of Belarus”.
Together with her, Veranika Tsepkala, Yauhen Vilski, Anatoli Kotau and Vadzim Dzmitrenak were also sentenced to 12 years in prison and heavy fines.
The decision announced by the Brest District Court creates an extremely worrying situation for Olga Karach and her organization Nash Dom, which supports anti-war activists and conscientious objectors in Belarus as part of the #ObjectWarCampaign network. The court’s decision is also directed against other peace activists and human rights defenders from Belarus and threatens their safety. This was also emphasized by the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus in her report to the UN Human Rights Council. Olga Karach stated that she could even face the death penalty or 25 years in prison in another court case. A few days ago, news was broadcast on Belarusian television that Belarus and Lithuania were negotiating Olga Karach’s extradition – which is due to take place in early 2026. It is not clear what the truth of the story is. However, Lithuania has already refused her asylum in the past on the basis of accusations that she was working with Russian intelligence services. Olga Karach denies this accusation and no evidence has ever been presented.
What are we asking for?
We demand:
- Belarus should end the abuse of justice to persecute Olga Karach, withdraw the conviction and drop any politically motivated charges!
- Lithuania should grant Olga Karach asylum!
- Germany should work to ensure that Olga Karach is granted asylum in the EU, ideally in Lithuania, if necessary in Germany.
Germany should continue to support the protection of deserters, conscientious objectors and human rights activists – because supporting conscientious objection means removing the basis for the war in Ukraine!
Press release from July 11, 2024
Peace activist and speaker at the 2024 International Munich Peace Conference Olga Karatch sentenced in absentia to 12 years in prison for her human rights work
The organizing team of the Munich Peace Conference strongly condemns the conviction of Olga Karatch by the Belarusian judiciary. She was sentenced in absentia to 12 years in prison and a fine of €170,000 for her human rights work.
On July 8, 2024, the Brest District Court announced the verdict in the case of human rights activist Olga Karatch, head of the International Center for Civic Initiatives “Our House” (Nash Dom). Olga Karatch was charged with “conspiracy to seize power by unconstitutional means” (Article 357, Part 1 of the Belarusian Criminal Code); “promoting extremist activities” (Article 361-4, Parts 1 and 2) and “discrediting the Republic of Belarus” (Article 369-1). Together with her, Veranika Tsepkala, Yauhen Vilski, Anatoli Kotau and Vadzim Dzmitrenak were also sentenced to 12 years in prison and heavy fines.
The decision announced by the Brest District Court creates an extremely worrying situation for Olga Karatch and her organization Nash Dom, which supports war opponents and conscientious objectors in Belarus as part of the #ObjectWarCampaign network. The court’s decision is also directed against other peace activists and human rights defenders from Belarus and threatens their safety. The worrying situation was also highlighted last week by the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus in her report to the UN Human Rights Council.
Olga Karatch is very active in defending human rights and promoting the right to conscientious objection in Belarus. It also supports Belarusian citizens who have fled to other countries to avoid military service in Belarus and possible military deployment alongside Russia in its aggression against Ukraine. She has already been prosecuted several times for these activities. Nevertheless, she is currently facing deportation from Lithuania, where she had applied for asylum. Olga Karatch explained that she could even face the death penalty or 25 years in prison.
Olga Karatch is being threatened and has now been sentenced for her human rights and peace work. She needs protection and a safe place to stay in Lithuania or another EU country.
The organizing team of the International Munich Peace Conference continues to stand in solidarity with the Belarusian human rights activist and emphatically demands that Olga Karatch be granted immediate protection in an EU country.
Download the press release HERE
Press release by Our House (Nash Dom), Human rights defender Olga Karatch sentenced to 12 years in prison in absentia in Belarus:
Press release by Connection e.V.,
Peace activist Olga Karatch was sentenced in absentia to 12 years in prison for her human rights work:
Speech by Olga Karatch at the International Munich Peace Conference on 16.02.2024:
Maria R. Feckl
Project Management International Munich Peace Conference
Tel.: 0160 97 50 20 28
E-mail: International Munich Peace Conference
℅ Helmut-Michael-Vogel Bildungswerk e.V.
Frauenlobstr. 24 Rgb.
80337 Munich
Organizations of the sponsoring group:
Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner*innen Landesverband Bayern (DFG-VK Bayern)
pax christi Diözese München und Freising e.V.
Internationale Ärzt*innen für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges / Ärzt*innen in sozialer Verantwortung e. V. (IPPNW) IFFF International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom MSKverändern e.V. Netzwerk Friedenssteuer NatWiss Verantwortung für Zukunftsfähigkeit e. V.V. (IPPNW) IFFF International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom
MSKverändern e.V.
Netzwerk Friedenssteuer
NatWiss Verantwortung für Frieden und Zukunftsfähigkeit e.V.
Helmut-Michael-Vogel-Bildungswerk e.V. für Friedensarbeit und Völkerverständigung
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