Group picture 2025International Munich Peace Conference 2025

Project description

They have never tried,
to fight the war seriously.
You’ve never seen all the schools
and all churches, all cinemas
and all newspapers
blocked for the propaganda of war.
So you don’t know at all,
what a generation would look like,
in the air of a healthy
and combative, but anti-war
grew up with pacifism.
We don’t know that.

Kaspar Hauser (Kurt Tucholsky), in: Die Weltbühne, 02.06.1931, No. 22, p. 815

The Munich Peace Conference is the substantive alternative event to the Munich (so-called) “Security” Conference and will take place for the 23rd time in 2025. The funding from the City of Munich, the Catholic Fund and Greenpeace was withdrawn in 2024.

Olga Karatch, feminist and peace activist from Belarus and speaker at the peace conference, said on Bayerischer Rundfunk on February 16, 2024: “I find this very sad because I see how the corridor of opinion is narrowing. People live in the paradigm of war, as if the war were in their country. And then they no longer want to hear dissenting opinions.”

A profound rethinking is necessary: Away from “war as a means of politics for a minority” to “peace as a basis of life for all”. Security and peace will only be achieved if the realization of human rights and sustainable development for people and the environment are pursued.

Every year in February, we organize the Munich Peace Conference with panel discussions, inputs from invited speakers, workshops, music and culture, exhibitions and time for networking.

The Munich Peace Conference is organized by representatives of local and international peace organizations. For the year 2025, these are IPPNW, pax christi München, DFG-VK Bayern, HMV-Bildungswerk e.V., Projektgruppe MSKverändern, NatWiss e.V. and the Netzwerk Friedenssteuer.

In June 2024, we will start developing the topics for the 2024 conference. Initial suggestions for speakers and formats are discussed. Speakers are selected and requested in September and October. Rooms are selected, the program is drawn up and institutional sponsors are recruited. The homepage must be modernized, the non-social media maintained and an information campaign developed.

The donations are used for fees, travel expenses and overnight stays for speakers, room, technical and translation costs, advertising materials and information campaigns, salary and fees for two part-time employees, office and material costs

Brief description

The International Munich Peace Conference: Away from “war as a means of politics for a minority”, towards “peace as the basis of life for all”, the realization of human rights and sustainable development for people and the environment.


Room costs (Friday – Sunday) 7000 €

The rooms for the 2025 conference have not yet been determined. The calculation is based on the following assumptions:
Friday evening: Freiheitshalle Munich
Saturday all day with workshops: Kolping Hall, Munich
Sunday: One World House Munich

Office and material costs 3000 €

We are kindly able to use the rooms of the Munich Peace Alliance for the intensive period of preparation and for meetings of the supporting team.

Public relations € 3500

The focus of public relations work is on online media, even if flyers are still displayed locally and distributed at events and demonstrations. The event is advertised throughout Germany and internationally.

Fee costs for speakers 3000

Our target corridor for fees is between €300 and €500 per person.

Travel costs and accommodation for speakers 3000

We reimburse our speakers for the 2nd class train ticket for the outward and return journey. We will reserve accommodation for you in a centrally located hotel in Munich. They are often speakers at the AntiSiko demo and appreciate short distances.

Costs for technology, stream and translation 9000

It is important to us to make the conference accessible to a broader and international audience with online streaming and simultaneous interpreting in order to promote the networking of the European peace movement

Salary for employees (part-time) of the HMV-Bildungswerk 5500

It is fair and right not to place all the preparations solely on the shoulders of volunteer peace activists.