Combatants for Peace 2

Series of events: Combatants for Peace – Dialogue instead of weapons

“From Separation to Collective Liberation”: In conversation with Rotem Levin and Osama Iliwat from Combatants for Peace

Saturday, July 13 at 7 p.m.
Admission: 6:30 p.m.

at the KKV Hansa-Haus in Munich
Briennerstr. 39, Munich
Königsplatz subway station

Admission is free. Donations are welcome.

Israeli Rotem Levin and Palestinian Osama Iliwat talk about peace in times of dehumanization and war. They are members of the organization “Combatants for Peace”, which has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In non-violent resistance, they are campaigning for an end to the military occupation and for a human exchange between Israelis and Palestinians.

They will tell their personal stories of how they changed their attitudes, first using weapons to bring about change, and then putting the weapons down. They are a living example that understanding and coexistence is possible in Palestine/Israel. They talk about their hope and the courage to share this hope publicly.

“We are not for one side or the other. We are for humanity. No one will be free if the others live under occupation. No one will be safe unless everyone is safe. We want to live in hope and unite to speak truth to power in our hearts.”

The event is being organized in cooperation with Combatants for Peace, the Wings of Hope Foundation Germany, the Munich Peace Alliance, DFG-VK Bayern, HMV-Bildungswerk e.V. and pax christi.

Website – Combatants For Peace:

CfP is currently on the road in Germany:

You can find more personal stories of “fighters for peace” in “Sand in the gears” HERE

Picture: Marc Doradzillo