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#CeasefireNow: Open Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and Israel

#NotATarget #CeaseFireNow

BTSELEM: Human rights organizations raise their voices loudly and their voices against the suffering of all innocent civilians.

We, the members of the undersigned human rights organizations in Israel, are shocked and appalled in these terrible days.

Hamas’ horrific crimes against innocent civilians – including children, women and the elderly – have shaken us all, and we struggle to recover from the unbearable images and sounds.

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Press release 10/15/2023:
Statement of the DFG-VK Bavaria on the Israel-Gaza War

We strongly condemn the excesses and murders of Hamas terrorists in Israel. There is no justification for these crimes.

In particular, neither the State of Israel’s long-standing occupation of Palestine in violation of international law, nor the illegal theft of land, nor the harassing treatment of the populations in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank can legitimize these crimes. On the contrary, Hamas has once again severely damaged the desire of the people of Palestine and Israel for peace, normalcy and the recognition of a Palestinian state.

We strongly condemn the escalation by retaliatory attacks by Israel through bombardments and the upcoming ground offensive. The military force exercised by Israel is also neither justified nor suitable for resolving the conflict. The call for the evacuation of the northern part of the Gaza Strip under the threat of brute force is contrary to international law and inhumane.

We call on all people and organizations who want to achieve peace for Palestine and Israel to clearly distance themselves from acts of violence by all warring parties.

We call on the Israeli government, instead of planning and implementing retaliatory and revenge actions against the civilian population, to find the perpetrators and hand them over to the International Criminal Court.

We call on all forces involved in the fighting to cease hostilities and enter into negotiations on the territorial issue in the Palestinian territories, which has remained unresolved for decades.

We call on the international community to work intensively on Israel and Palestine to achieve new negotiations.

Because terror and war are crimes against humanity. They are never suitable for resolving conflicts. The losers are countless people who lose their lives, are physically maimed or emotionally destroyed. Losers are also human rights, which are “killed” in every war.

And the losers are those residents of Israel and Palestine who are striving for reconciliation and peace.

Statement of the DFG-VK Bayern on the occasion of its general meeting on 15.10.2023 in Nürnberg
