Andreas ZumachAndreas Zumach as a guest at the Evangelische Stadtakademie München on
November 20th, 2023 starting 7 pm

What world order based on what rules do we want? A global bipolar confrontation between “Western democracies and the alliance of dictatorships China and Russia” with military armament as in the 45 years of the Cold War? Or a multipolar order whose actors cooperate to address global warming, hunger, and other global challenges? Would criticism of human rights violations and dictatorships then no longer be permissible? What “security” does the German government’s “National Strategy” promise the people of Germany and the “rest” of the world? Freelance journalist and former UN correspondent Andreas Zumach comments.

Mon, Nov 20th, 2023
7 pm

Evangelische Stadtakademie
Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 24
80331 Munich

free of charge

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