No to war Negotiate instead of shooting!

Protect climate Disarm!

The MunichPeaceAlliance calls for the

Easter march in Munich: on April19th ,20022

10.00 am.: Ecumenical service: Holy Trinity Church, Pacellistr.6 and
11.15 am. Kick-off rallyon the Marienplatz
12.00 pm Demonstration
13.30 pm: The closing rally with information market and cultural on the MarienSquare

Easter March Outside: on Easter Monday, April 18, 2022

Visit to Elmau Meetingen at 10.10 a.m. (to purchase of group tickts)
Starnberg Bahnhof, The Departure foreseen at 10.29
BIFAMunich Citizens’ Initiative for Peace and Disarmament

Current info & List of supporters of the Easter March in Munich can be found at HERE

All info about the Easter Marches 2022 of the peace movement in Germany you can find HERE

War is a terrible catastrophe. We condemn the illegal Russian attack on the
Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. Russia must stop all waractions immediately . What is needed is
a comprehensive ceasefire, the withdrawal of all troops, and a back to the negotiating table. The, from
us critizied for years, NATO’s confrontational course against Russia does not justify this military
aggression. Sanctions by the West, which hit above all the population of Russia, we reject, precisely
as a military response by NATO, which would result in a catastrophe. It is also wrong that
arms were approved to be delivered into Ukraine.fenexports to Ukraine Approved werden. Dhe Federal Government Suggests a verhangnisfull Course
a: She wants a so-called “special assets”, i.e. indebtedness through w100 billion in further rearmament.
Euro for the German Armed Forces, and future annualh morehan 2 % of the BIP on armaments.

Atomwar threat contain!
Dihe danger of nuclear war is greater today than at any time since the Cubacrisis at the beginning of the sixties
Years of the lastcentury. The number of operational nuclear weaponsutes, Hyperschallrakets and
other modern delivery systems are being built and deployed. Dhe in Büchel at the base of the
German Armed Forces stored USnuclear bombs must be withdrawnthe F35Tarn cap bombers may
not be acquired. The federal wehr bralso none nuclear-capable fighter jets. The so-called
nuclear sharing” must be ended. Even after the Russian invasion and the announced
increase of the nuclear alert level areour demands on the federal government are stillstill rightg.
Atomare Abrüstung pertzt!

We must return to an Entsensionpolicyof disarmament and the
confidence-building measures. There is no alternative to a policy on the basis of the
Principles of commonrity.

Climateprotection and peacegebelong together!
With the upgrade programs now being planned, the challenges of climate change ntu
create. They can only be mastered in a worldnin which peace prevails and problems are solved international
togetherbe tackled together. It isit is to combine allall forces and not to spend billions on armament and
Wasting war. The military pollutes the environment during maneuvers and war with Millions of Tons
CO2 and is one of the biggest climate killers. The interests ofinterests of people requireordern a common
Policy to safeguard the livelihoods of our country as well as the entire world population.

Disarmament instead of social cuts!
The division is getting bigger and bigger, espespecialy the social. Germany became a low-wagenland.
Prekary employment, childemployment, child poverty, 2Classesmedicine, housing shortage, poverty among the elderly, social
Neglect and broken infrastructure: to solve these problems there is a lack of milliarden Euro
Taxpayers’ money, which is instead spent onarmaments.

Krieg is thes the No. 1 cause of flight

Wars cost countless human lives, devastate entire regions, as now also Ukraine, rob
future generations and drive people out of their home countries.people from their home countries.
Millionen people ared on theon the fleeing (UNHCR/2021: 82.4 million). They flee because their
The people of the United States have been destroyed and wars have been waged, including with German weapons. But
the EU lets thousands of Schutzpah seekers drown in the Mediterranean Sea. We want a Europe ofr Solidarity, the
all offers protection and assistance to those fleeing.

We demonstrate with the Easter march

for a new policy of détente that takes into account the security interests of allof all European states from the Atlantic to the
Ural considered European peace policyk goes nonly with and not against Russia worldwide
Peace policy exists only with and not against China

for strengthening the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

for disarmament instead of rearmament, no to 2% –target ofof NATO these Millias are needed by thepeople need for
Social, education, health and ecology

for the stop of nuclear armament, withdrawal dof the USnuclear bombs from Germany

for the accession of Germany to the UNNuclear Weapontreaty banning nuclear weaponstreaty, against the acquisition of new
Battleflugzeuge forfor the nuclear war

for the termination of all Bundeswehrwar missions

for humanitarian aid and civil conflict resolution Learning from previous war missions such as Afghanistan

for the outlawing of automatization in war technology, prohibition of combatdronesen and CyberStrategies
for the war in the 21. Century

against billions of EUweapons projects like the new air combat system or the Eurodrohne, no EU
Army instead ofof it a Peace policypolicy of the EuropeanEuropean Union

for the stop of all armsexporte

We know that the Russian attack on die Ukraine, the peacefulgoals infinitely more difficult.
to reachare. This war is also a verbechen on humanity. We remain:
Common security instead of confrontation.

Current info & List of supporters can be found HERE

Support group: BIFAMunich Citizens’ Initiative for Peace and Disarmament, DFGVK German Peace Association United Opponents of War (Munich),
Forum Computer Scientists for Peace and Sociale. V.V., Women in Black Women in Black, Munich, Münchner Freethinker,IFFF
International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom t ,
IPPNWRegional Group Upperbayern; Internationale Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War / Physicians in
social responsibility e.V,
MAPC Munich American Peace Committee, Network Peace Tax,pax christi Munich,World without wars, VVNBdA Association
depersecutionof the Nazi regime Association of Antifascists