Christine Hoffmann comments on March 3, 2022

Christine Hoffmann is the General Secretary of pax christi – Deutsche Sektion e.V.

pax christi rejects the massive diversion of tax money to the military announced by Chancellor Scholz as a step in the wrong direction. Instead, civil conflict management resources should be further expanded. This is about the important expertise of the Civil Peace Service in conflict prevention and post-conflict rehabilitation and more. It is about the priority for civil, fair world economic structures and the globalization of social, cultural and medical infrastructure.

A special fund for the Bundeswehr could perhaps even make sense if it were to be used for new capabilities that have so far been poorly developed, for example. would be justified in the area of cyber protection. However, whether this requires an amount of 100 billion needs to be specified. However, the much-vaunted inadequacy of the Bundeswehr’s equipment is no good as a justification – especially since this circumstance comes close to declaring German defense policy bankrupt.

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