International summit for Peace in Vienna June 10-11, 2023
International Summit for Peace in Ukraine Peace by Peaceful Means [...]
International Summit for Peace in Ukraine Peace by Peaceful Means [...]
To the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly c/o President of the OSCE [...]
The demonstrations around the Munich Security Conference on Radio Lora [...]
Eric Vad (Brigadier General (ret.), ex-advisor to Chancellor Merkel, calls [...]
Exhibition project on war memorials in Germany and Austria. The [...]
Saturday, February 18, 2023 from 7 - 9.30 pm in [...]
Sign Now. Unterschreiben Sie JETZT Science4Peace, IPPNW, NatWiss Vrantwortung für [...]
Without weapons - but not defenseless! Webinar on the Concept [...]
Commentary by UN specialist and longtime taz correspondent Andreas Zumach [...]
IPPNW - International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War [...]